Intake Hot Line: (212) 510-1500
General Information: (212) 510-1400
Press Inquiries: (212) 510-1479
Fax: (212) 510-1550
Send Mail To:
The Special Commissioner of Investigation
For the New York City School District
80 Maiden Lane, 20th Floor
New York, New York 10038
Let SCI know what is happening in your school or district. Your information and cooperation are vital to our success. Everyone who has a stake in our schools — administrators, teachers, parents, students, and all New Yorkers — can help make our office and the entire school system more effective. Every officer and employee of the DOE is obligated to report immediately to SCI any knowledge of wrongdoing in the school system. We urge parents, students, and other concerned members of the community to get involved and help our children.